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Date : 1985-09-01

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Livebearing Aquarium Fish—Habitat Diet and Breeding ~ Livebearers include some of the most common as well as uncommon fish found in the trade today Anableps Goodeides Guppies Halfbeaks Mollies Mosquito Fish Platies and Swordtails are some of the richly varied livebearing species available to fish keepers

An Introduction to Livebearing Fish ~ Just as their name suggests livebearers are fish that give birth to live freeswimming young However in the aquarium hobby the term livebearer is commonly used to refer to a specific group of fish belonging to the family Poeciliidae This group of freshwater fish includes perennial aquarium favorites such as mollies guppies and platies

Livebearers Wikipedia ~ Livebearers are aquarium fish that retain the eggs inside the body and give birth to live freeswimming young Among aquarium fish livebearers are nearly all members of the family Poeciliidae and include guppies mollies platies and swordtails The advantages of livebearing to the aquarist are that the newborn juvenile fish are larger than newlyhatched fry have a lower chance of mortality and are easier to care for Unusual livebearers include seahorses and pipefish where the males care fo

Livebearing Fishes for Aquariums and Not ~ Livebearing Toothed Carps Family Poeciliidae With thirty genera 293 species this is the largest family of livebearing fishes though the Fluviophylacine and Aplocheilichthyinae are now placed here and are not viviparous The familys members can be found throughout the eastern to northeastern Argentina and Africa and Madagascar

Livebearing Aquarium Fish Animal World ~ Livebearers In the aquarium world consist primarily of four families Livebearing Toothcarp Poeciliidae The Guppy Molly Swordtail Splitfins or Mexican Topminnow Goodeidae The Goodeidae family Foureyed Fish Anablepidae The Anablepidae family is often called the Foureyed Fish

Livebearers for Sale ~ When you look at pages in with Livebearers for sale you will see a symbol like this to indicate that these fish live best in a group There are many other species of livebearers including Gambusia which is often called the Mosquito Fish and Endlers Livebearer which is a species that is very closely related to Guppies plus the new species named Picta and Parae

Breeding and Rearing Livebearing Species of Fish ~ One of the most wellknown species of livebearing freshwater fish is the guppy Guppies are known for their long fins and bright colors – they are also known for reproducing frequently and without any encouragement from the aquarium hobbyist Other popular types of livebearing species of fish are swordtails mollies and platies


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