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Wednesday, March 4, 2020

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Date : 1979-06-01

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Guinea pig Wikipedia ~ The guinea pig or domestic guinea pig Cavia porcellus also known as cavy or domestic cavy is a species of rodent belonging to the family Caviidae and the genus Cavia Despite their common name guinea pigs are not native to Guinea nor are they biologically related to pigs and the origin of the name is still unclear

Guinea Pig Care Facts How to Take Care of a Guinea Pig ~ Guinea pigs are social companion animals that require daily interaction They communicate by making various sounds that have different meanings and popcorn or jump in the air when happy Includes hairless guinea pigs

guinea pig Diet Life Span Facts Britannica ~ Guinea pig Cavia porcellus a domesticated species of South American rodent belonging to the cavy family Caviidae It resembles other cavies in having a robust body with short limbs large head and eyes and short ears The feet have hairless soles and short sharp claws

Keeping and Caring for a Pet Guinea Pig ~ Guinea pigs are social animals and you should consider keeping a samesex pair so they have someone to socialize with A pair of females is your best choice as a pair of males may be prone to fighting especially if they are not neutered

All about Guinea Pigs Guinea Pig Manual ~ It is all about Guinea Pigs Welcome to the Guinea Pig Manual Here you will learn all about guinea pigs how to feed them handle them about their behaviour how to choose a cage bedding about their health social life and much more – everything you need to know about guinea pig care in one place

What to Know Before Getting a Pet Guinea Pig ~ Guinea pigs make a distinctive wheeking or whistling type sound often in anticipation of getting a favorite treat or when in need of some attention Though generally not loud enough to annoy the neighbors a wheeking guinea pig can be surprisingly loud

How to Care for Guinea Pigs with Pictures wikiHow Pet ~ Guinea pigs are an inherently social species and live in herds or groups in the wild Frequent handling each day is essential to your guinea pigs’ happiness Talk to your guinea pigs cuddle them carry them and pet them as often as you can Set aside plenty of time to play with your guinea pig

Guinea Pigs for Sale Buy Live Guinea Pigs for Sale Petco ~ Guinea Pigs bond easily with their pet parents and will communicate through various sounds such as squeaks chirps and purrs

Guinea Pig Care Sheet Guide PetSmart ~ Caring for your guinea pig involves providing the proper diet housing and toys and having the right supplies to clean up after your small pet


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